Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ramadhan 2011

Alhamdulillah..thank u Allah for all the blessings..Ramadhan dah nak habis..xnak bebel byak2..cekidauttt!!

                                     behind the scene membuat nasi kerabu

                                     nasi kerabu

                                     full set :)

Nway..sbenarnye aritu panggil budak2 laki ex-studiomate UIA aka gengsters datang bukak pose kat umah..masak nasi kerabu..Alhamdulillah, bentuk & rupa da ade,rase?hmm kne tnye diorg hubby ckap sedap..heeeee *nak jage ati ke ikhlas ni b? ;p*

lepas jamu diorg kne la buat keje kan? :p hehehe..sbnarnye xberniat pun nak dera diorg ni tp since diorg ni lelaki2 gagah so mintak la tolong..kalu kami laki bini memang xlarat..

                                     sorg2 nak jadi mandur..

so thank you sgt2 sape2 yg tolong pasang lemari tv kami tuh - sudin, kembo,rangga,wajdi,muti, stone n wife..jase korg mmg sgt2 dhargai

slaen makan2 kat umah, opis pun buat makan2 gak..kat hotel intercontinental..mmg sedap n berbaloi..xsia2 pergi wlaupun tpakse meredah hujan lebat..japanese die mmg terrrbaaeeekkk..

                            mmg tamak kalu bab2 japanese ni :p

anyway,sgt2 bersyukur dengan rezki Allah d bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ni..ampun kalu ade buat salah or terkasar bahase or terasa hati..sgala yang baik datangnya dari Allah dan yang buruk2 datangnya dari hamba Allah yg serba kurang ni..Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Our Crib

Alhamdulillah..after 1month plus ‘menumpang’ kat umah bro-in-law, at last our house issue settle & we can move in – 2 of us living under 1 roof..only 2 of us??terfikir gak awal2 aritu, apela nak buat,sure boring giler 2org je,I tgok u, u tgok i..haiisshh!!xke giler lame2 dah get used to that situation..yg bestnye time ni la nk kenal prangai masing2 kn?cmne die basuh baju,masuk baju dlm bakul,lepas makan trus baring ke..a lot of things u’ll learn about your spouse, so far still boleh tolerate lagi la..hihi..ade gak bebel sket2 tp msg2 masih blajar kan?so take it as it is lorr J
At first, before masuk rumah tum mg byk dugaan. Tenant lame xnk kluar eventho da bagi notis, landlord pun slow, kunci xde..mcm2 la..good thing I was on leave that week..due to work at least I can go here & there to settle lil bro pun turun KL to help me out..thanks to moi bff merangkap ID (op kos free) utk rumah tu..she advised us on the colors & arrangement of the furnitures so kite ikut yg pakar la..tadaaaaa!!

                            TV ngn almari je..xde gambar rumah yg full plak :p

LBNL (eceh cm bahase note time SSP dlu je :p), we’ll organize a small housewarming cum Raya open house this Sept,16. Do come to our house okeh.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thank You Allah

Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for all the blessings & rezki given to us. Hopefully we will be able to obey & fulfil all the amalan wajib to show our gratitude to you. Today is the 9th day of Ramadhan & my first time puasa as a wife. *WIFE*..hihi..still cant believe that we already married..2 months & 5days..still fresh & inai pun still xilang lagi..we are still adapting to masing2 punye perangai..mmg kne byk bsabar & kadang2 ego kne turun mase awal2 kawen ni sbb kalu xsabar mmg cepat gunung api nak meletus..hey!its d talking from experience..but well, cite dlm umah biar stay dlm rumah je hokaay..
but d good thing is hubby sgt la membantu I buat keje rumah..i masak die gosok baju, I basuh baju (pkai machine je :p) die jemur baju, I buat air milo/kordial die amek air putih kat RO machine dpn umah, I tgok tv die buang cam laki aku plak yg byk buat keje ni?hahaha..well I think the duties are not fix, whoever available die yg far husband sgt btolak-ansur, hopefully this will stay..Amin
Thank you Allah for lending him to me in this world..Alhamdulillah